For I know that the Lord is great
Series: Psalms Scripture: Psalm 135:1–7, Psalm 135:13–14
We desire to provide some resources to help you and your family adjust to worshipping at home during this season. Below you can find some Tips & Resources as well as the Order of Worship.
Tips & Resources
- Guide to home worship for parents (start here)
- Link to The Gospel Project activity pages and lesson plans
- Sermon guide for kids
Watch the service online HERE
(Sundays by 9:00am)
Order of Worship | March 29,2020
(Updated Thursday before the service)
Our woship begins with God. We gather to experience the gospel story that tells us that God is holy, we have sinned, Jesus saves, and we are sent into the world to manifest this good news in word and dee. Our service is ordered in such a way to reorient our hearts and minds around this great story.
CREATION (God is holy)
Worship begins with God. We are here because God has initiated with us as Creator to his creation. Let's tell of his great works.
Call to Worship
This is Amazing Grace
FALL (We have sinned)
Knowing the holiness of God causes us to see the intensity of our sin and need for his grace. Let's acknowledge our need before him.
O Praise The Name
Q33 New City Catechism
Leader: Should those who have faith in Christ seek their salvation in their own works, or anywhere else.
People: No, everything necessary to salvation is found in Christ.
REDEMPTION (Jesus saves us)
Giving of our gifts
[ Give online ] In these times when our gathering for worship is restricted, it is so important to remember that we desire to be a generous church. We give not only out of obedience, but as an act of love for God, his people, and the ministry of the church. You can make your give anytime at
Sermon: Psalm 135:1-7; 13-14 "God, like no other"
RESTORATION (Jesus sends us)
We are reminded to live in light of the resurrection as we await the full renewal in the return of Christ. Let's go into the world with the full confidence of the Father's provision, joy in the grace of his Son, and power in his Spirit.
Pastoral Prayer
He Will Hold Me Fast
other sermons in this series
Apr 5
Forever Faithful
Scripture: Psalm 146:1–10 Series: Psalms
Mar 22
The three songs we sing
Scripture: Psalm 118:5–9, Psalm 118:17–24 Series: Psalms
Mar 15
Praying the Gospel
Scripture: Psalm 103:1–22 Series: Psalms