Holy Cross is the result of God's grace and the fruit of faithfulness of his people. We have been blessed to be a blessing. We are proud to partner with several organizations on the local, domestic, and international levels in order to spread the gospel. Below, you will see some of our key affiliations and ministry partnerships that are based on prayerful, relational, and financial support.
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
Holy Cross is a member church within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA is committed to the timeless truths of Scripture while serving an ever-changing world with the unchanging message of the gospel. The PCA is one of the fastest growing denominations in the United States and has a profound worldwide influence with thousands of foreign missionaries, hundreds of military chaplains, and on many college campuses.
Our regional church is the Arizona Presbytery through which we directly and indirectly help fund church plants, missionaries, Reformed University Fellowship at the University of Arizona, and many other gospel work.
Global Missionaries
Manuel "Tito" and Kim Padilla • Equipping Leaders International, Inc.
Equipping Leaders International identifies and develops highly under-resourced christian leaders globally, in order to reproduce healthy disciples of Christ in their communities and cultures. "Tito", born into a Puerto Rican family, leverages his 30-years of cross-cultural ministry to teach and disciple Latino pastors in the grace and truth of the gospel of Jesus. He serves under-resourced leaders in places like Bolivia, Nicaruagua, and other Central and South American countries. Learn more about Equipping Leaders International. To give to the Padillas, go here and once you set up an account, you'll find his name (Manuel Padilla Morales) on a drop down list.
Bruce & Pam Sinclair • Mission to the World, Uganda
The Sinclairs have been involved in full-time Christian ministry since 1983. They began their careers as missionaries in Mexico where for four years they worked in church planting, leadership training, and theological education.
Since 2005, Bruce and Pam have been ministering in Uganda, where Bruce serves as MTW’s country director and Kampala team leader. Their primary ministry focus involves equipping church planters, pastors, and other Christian workers at Westminster Christian Institute in Uganda. They are also deeply involved in local church ministries. Bruce’s church-planting students have established more than 100 new churches in Uganda and other African countries. Support the Sinclairs.
Brianna Burnett • Destino Movement, Northern Africa
Destino is a faith-based movement at the Universtiy of Arizona bringing spiritual growth to the Latino/Hispanic Community. Missionary Brianna Burnett is currently serving a one-year short-term mission assignment in Northern Africa.
Church Planting & Domestic Missions
Southwest Church Planting Network
The Southwest Church Planting Network (SWCPN) is a cooperative work of churches in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. They provide extensive training, coaching, and nurturing for church planters and their spouses. Holy Cross' support and involvement with the SWCPN insures our vigorous commitment to being a church-planting church. Learn about the SWCPN.
The PCA Unity Fund
The PCA Unity Fund is an effort for the church on earth to display the glorious diversity of the church in heaven. We do this by accelerating the growth of ethnic minority leaders in the PCA through subsidizing education, mentoring, networking, and participation. To learn more about the PCA Unity Fund, go here.
Reformed University Fellowship, The University of Arizona • Matt Esswein
More than just a ministry on the university campus, Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) seeks to be a ministry for the university. RUF is a community of students seeking to learn and grow in their relationship with Jesus. We are proud to support the work of RUF at campuses nationwide, and in particular at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. If you'd like to contact or support our missionary, Matt Esswein, go here.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) • Tucson, AZ
Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel. Holy Cross is grateful to support our local Tucson FCA.
J.C. Baysinger • Church-planter • Queen Creek, Arizona
J.C. has recently launched a new church for the city of Queen Creek, Arizona. They seek to be a worshiping community of believers in Jesus Christ who are committed to developing their faith in Jesus, depending on the hope he offers in the gospel, and deepening their love for Jesus and their neighbors. Queen Creek is one of the fastest growing areas in the Phoenix Metro area, and mostly unchurched. J.C. is committed to bringing the gospel to bear on the lives of many souls who need to hear about God's redeeming grace. Learn more about J.C.'s ministry
Community Outreach & Mercy Ministry
The Surge Network
The Surge Network exists to equip leaders in all fields and vocations to live as sent people to bless our broken world. Holy Cross participates in the Surge School, a 9-month, church-based leadership development program. We've also partnered financially to help support the Surge Network's various endeavors of mercy and compassion to the lost, last, and least--including financial scholarships for minority pastors to attend the Missional Training Center (MTC). The MTC provides rich theological training and an accredited Masters degree in partnership with Covenant Theological Seminary. Learn more about the Surge Network.
52 Tables
52 Tables is a ministry of Holy Cross Church aiming to saturate our lives with a mission-mindset. It is driven by a heart of hospitality, love for neighbor, and engagement in God's mission. Through 52 Tables, we desire to see God's people hosting dinner gatherings every week of the year. These gatherings become conduits for friendship, connection, belonging, and opportunities for faithful witness of the gospel. Learn more about participating in 52 Tables, here.
Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona
The Community Food Bank relies on 120 employees and hundreds of community volunteers to ensure that the people of Southern Arizona have access to the food and programs they need. The food bank is based in Pima County and also serves Cochise, Graham, Greenlee and Santa Cruz counties. Find our donation box in the Welcome Area and a list of items to donate, here.
Local Deaconate Ministry
The ministry of our Deacons at Holy Cross exists to provide care and leadership to the practical needs of our church, and those in our community, as they arise. There are times when special circumstances require special acts of compassion and mercy. Our Deacons are vital to the gospel's advancement and presence in our church, neighborhoods, and city. Donate to our Deacon Fund.