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The purpose of the gospel community is to give physical demonstration to the grace of God." Brad House (Community)
Fall Life Groups
Monday Nights @ the Booth’s Home
Shannon & Linda Vista:
Tuesdays Nights @ the Greer’s Home
Mid Town:
Thursday Nights @ the Haines’ Home
Oro Valley:
Thursday Nights @ the Sinclair’s Home
What is a Life Group?
Life Groups are our small group communities that meet weekly in different locations, often in homes. Our goal is to radically re-orient our lives around the gospel as a community.
Why should I join a Life Group?
Life Groups are born out of the conviction that we are created to be communal people - made in the image of God and created to love God and others. They are the place where we learn to rely on God's grace and experience the gospel's transformation. They are places not just for information transfer but for modeling and growth in wisdom. It is in this setting that the gospel is worked into the fabric of our daily lives and into our hearts.
What happens in a Life Group?
Our time spent in Life Groups is focused on the thoughtful study of the Bible, the living out of community through efforts of hospitality and friendship and the overflow of acts of compassion, service, and love for others. They are much more than a coming together for data sharing or support or social activity. They are life-together. We eat together, read the Bible, pray together, and exchange counsel. We play.
Want to learn more about Life Groups?
Read our brief booklet called "An Introduction to Participating in Authentic Community at Holy Cross". It's a great way to further learn about our mission and hope for living out our faith together.