Why do we want to know if you have become sick?

First of all, so we can be praying for God's loving care to in the midst of your struggle. You are not alone and we are here for you.

Second, this is a clear way we can be proactively loving towards one another. We desire to do the best we can to operate safely and effectively as a church family. Knowing this real-time data helps us do this better. It will be beneficial and loving, while protecting your privacy, to inform people you have come in contact with that you have come down with COVID-19 symptoms.

What to do if you, or someone you have come in close contact with, have become sick

  • If you have recently become sick with flu-like symptoms (which may include fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and/or a temperature of 100.4˚or higher) or have had close contact with a person with COVID-19 symptoms, you should stay home and self-isolate until you have met CDC's criteria to discontinue home isolation. (see below)
  • If you develop symptoms while at a worship service or other ministry event at Holy Cross, please notify an elder or deacon immediately. We will safely arrange transportation to your home or a healthcare facility, if needed.
  • If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive for COVID-19 and have been in the church facility, or attended a church-related event within the past 14 days, please notify Pastor Pete Rehrmann as soon as possible.


When to consider regathering with the church 


"I came in contact with someone with COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms."

You can be with others after:

  • 10 days from the time of exposure
  • A confirmed negative test of the person who exposed you
  • It's important to remember that anyone who has close contact with someone with COVID-19 symptoms should stay home for 10 days after exposure, based on the time it takes to develop the illness. 


"I think or know I had COVID-19, and I had symptoms."

You can be with others after:

  • 3 days with no fever and
  • Symptoms improved and
  • 10 days since symptoms first appeared


"I tested positive for COVID-19 but had no symptoms."

You can be with others after:

  • 10 days have passed since test and
  • You continue to have no symptoms


"I have a weakened immune system due to a health condition or medication."

  • People with conditions that weaken their immune system might need to stay home longer than 10 days.
  • Talk to a healthcare provider for more information.