We've tallied the results of our election on Nov. 10th and pleased to announce the overwhelming approval of our elder candidates:


John Yu


Tim Sinclair


Aaron Johnson

And, the unanimous approval of our deacon candidate:


Mike MacBrayne

Thank you, members, for your faithful participation in this process. We walk forward trusting in Jesus' love for his church and the Holy Spirit's ministry to our new leaders.

We will hold a future installation during a Sunday worship to pray for these new officers. 

A prayer for our new leaders


Let not the ministry of these men be approved only by men, or merely win the esteem and affections of people; But do the work of grace in their hearts. Save them from self-opinion and self-seeking; Water the hearts of those who hear your Word through their teaching and exhorting, that seed sown in weakness may be raised in power;

Make my every endeavor of leadership and service a means of grace to themselves, and help them to experience the power of thy dying love, for thy blood is balm, thy presence bliss, thy smile heaven, thy cross the place where truth and mercy meet.

Look upon the doubts and discouragements of their ministry and keep them from self-importance; I beg pardon for their many sins, omissions, infirmities, as a man, as a leader, as a servant; Command your blessing on their weak, unworthy labors, and on the message of salvation given.

Stay with your people, and may your presence be their portion and all of ours. When they preach, instruct, or serve others let not their words be merely elegant and masterly, their reasoning polished and refined, their performance powerless and tasteless, but may they exalt you and humble sinners.

O Lord of power and grace, all hearts are in your hands, all events at your disposal. Set the seal of thy almighty will upon their ministry and their families.
